
Rural DEAR in Medina de Rioseco

On December 4, in Medina de Rioseco, Valladolid (Spain), it was held the closing ceremony of the Education for Development workshops carried out in the culture classrooms, given by the CONGDCYL (Coordinator of NGOs of Castilla y León ) in collaboration with the Provincial Council de Valladolid; In that event, the Rural DEAR Agenda project was discussed and also its implementation from 2018.



At the table are the Mayor of Rioseco (David Esteban), the Deputy of the Area of Equality and Social Affairs (Conrado Íscar), a representative of the CONGDCYL (Ernesto Pascual), and the coordinator of the Rural DEAR Agenda project (Ignacio Aranda).



The act ended with a play by "Las Pituister", which, in a humorous way, highlights how even the "innocent" children's stories (Cinderella, Snow White ...) can help to fix the child's subconscious "Gender roles".