The Rural DEAR Agenda Project approaches 2015 as a significant year for combating poverty and inequality in the world. This year sees the completion of the deadline to assess the extent of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the approval of the Agenda for Development 2015-2030, which will set the priorities for international action in sustainable development. 2015 is also the year when the EU celebrates the European Year for Development (EYD 2015).
According to the Barometer 2013, EU citizens think that the fight against poverty is a priority and that Development Aid is important and should even be increased; however, they also admit they do not know what Development Aid is used for at the present time.
Rural DEAR Agenda aims to contribute to the European Year for Development and progress in the fight against poverty and inequality in the world through the participatory design of an Agenda for Development Education and Awareness Raising in European rural areas. The project will be implemented in 2015-2017 in the rural areas of seven countries: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Spain, Greece, Italy, Malta and Poland.
Anticipated Results:
The Project begins with a Diagnosis of Education for Development in the participating areas, compiled from a public-opinion survey, and continues with an analysis of how the local media deals with issues such as poverty and development. It then includes studies of sensitisation and awareness in schools and other analysis carried out by Development NGOs and civil society organizations (CSOs) in rural areas.
Following the study, pilot experiences in Education for Development and Awareness will be implemented by NGOs and social organizations in the participating areas.
The reflections and analysis by working parties made up of representatives of local authorities, NGOs, schools and experts add an adequate theoretical background to the context of the proposals.
The local, European and global dimensions of these contributions are also inputs for the development of the Rural DEAR Agenda as a manual for implementing awareness-raising and education for development actions.
Details of the Project:
- Organising entity: European Commission
- Target groups: Local authorities and development NGOs.
- Official announcement: Increase in public awareness of development issues and the promotion of Development in the European Union.
- Reference: EuropeAid/134863/C/ACT/MULTI
- Project Title: Rural DEAR Agenda – EYD 2015
- Duration: 2015-2017.
- Budget: €1,886,000. EU funding (DevCo): 85%
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